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History is a core subject for all students in S1 an S2. It is delivered through an integrated Social Studies course.

The History based context involves learning around:

  • People, past events and societies

Teachers draw on a range of approaches to meet the needs of students through carefully planned and well paced learning experiences. The aim is to provide a classroom climate of creativity and innovation, that will:

  • Develop in students an understanding of the history, heritage and culture of Scotland
  • Broaden understanding of human achievements and activities, in the past and present, across the world
  • Develop and understanding of students' own, and others, values and beliefs
  • Develop and understanding of democracy and citizenship
  • Develop skills of enquiry and investigation using different sources and evidence
  • Develop an understanding of concepts that encourage enterprise and influence business
  • Allow students to link people and events across time and place
  • Allow students to link people, events, features and places locally and further afield
  • Allow appropriate use of technology
  • Provide opportunities for collaborative and individual learning
  • Provide opportunities to analyse, explore and reflect

In S3 students can opt into a History option aimed at Level 4 Experiences and Outcomes. This course is outlined in our S3 Course Choice Booklet.

In the Senior Phase students can seek to gain qualifications in History from National 4 through to Higher level. Course outlines and entry requirements are available in our Senior Phase Course Choice Booklet.

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