Student Parliament
Students from across the school population attend the Parliament alongside members of staff.
Representatives from all Year Group Student Voice Councils, our School and House Captains, Representatives from other Student Groups and staff members attend the Parliament. The Parliament aims to address issues of concern for students and staff that apply at a 'whole school' level. To carry out the role effectively students in the School Forum are expected to:
Help create, in co-operation with the Head Teacher, staff and students, a better school experience for the students' of our school
Demonstrate leadership and develop further their sense of responsibility and citizenship
Become more aware of how the school is run and how learning best takes place
Contribute to overall school improvement by being involved in school policy development and to work in partnership with the staff of the school
Act as liaison where appropriate between the students and teaching staff
Report back to their classes on matters discussed, decisions made and actions arising from meetings and bring issues raised by their classmates to subsequent meetings
Each Parliament meeting is managed by a School Captain. The two principal positions are:
- Chair, runs the meeting, ensures adherence to the agenda and endeavours to ensure that all Parliament members have the chance to express their views
- Secretary, records the actions of each meeting
If you would like to see any Agendas or Action Logs please contact Mrs Nicolson at