Languages and literacy are of personal, social and economic importance.
Students' ability to use language is at the centre of the development and expression of their emotions, thinking, learning and their sense of personal identity. Learning in this curricular area promotes the development of critical and creative thinking, personal, interpersonal and team-working skills as well as competence in listening and talking, reading and writing.
The literacy development of students is the responsibility of all staff and is fundamental to all areas of learning, as it unlocks all curricular areas. Learning other languages enables students to make connections with different people and their cultures and to play a fuller part as global citizens.
Principal Teacher Curriculum Languages:
- Mrs Emma Reid
Subjects in Broad General Education:
In all subjects Teachers draw on a range of approaches to meet the needs of students through carefully planned and well paced learning experiences.
- English - English is a core subject for all students in S1 to S4.
- French - French is a core subject for all students in S1 to S3.
- Spanish - Spanish is an optional subject for students from S2.
- Media - Media is an optional subject for students from S3
Subjects in Senior Phase:
- English
- French
- Media
- Spanish