Student Empowerment
The development of leadership qualities and skills in our students is an important part of our curriculum.
The ability for students to develop their leadership skills and to be empowered in is evident in subjects like My Skills My World, through opportunities for personal achievement available to students such as Duke of Edinburgh's Award and various Outdoor Learning opportunities as well as courses such as Personal Development and Leadership available in the Senior Phase.
In addition, all teaching staff need to hear the 'student voice' to fulfil our school aims and mission statement. This voice is heard regularly in the classroom and is a feature of excellent learning and teaching. Students and teachers regularly feedback to each other regarding progress with learning. Teachers take account of this in planning future learning experiences.
Student Voice for School Improvement
Across the school students have representative groups at year group, interest group, subject and Sixth Year (Captain) level. Students on these groups are representatives of their peers. Each group discuss a range of issues important to students and staff and strive to make improvements for the benefit of individuals, groups and all students as appropriate.
These groups all then come together to form a Student Parliament which meets with the Head teacher and Depute Heads at least four times a year. Whole school issues for school improvement are discussed and actioned here.
Our Student Empowerment Structure is below: