Positive Destinations
All students are entitled to experience opportunities to move into a positive and sustained destination beyond school.
In recent years Armadale Academy has had a good record of Positive Destinations where students move on into University, College, Employment or Training. This session we are again on target to achieve a percentage in the 90s.
The Positive Destinations Team is made up from school staff, External Agencies and the school More Choices More Chances (MCMC) Keyworker. They form an Internal Hub which helps to support students in the transition from school. Our Internal Hub is as follows:
- Mrs Caroll Gordon: PTC Positive Transitions/Chair of Internal Hub
- Mrs McGee: Depute Head Teacher
- Callum Heath: MCMC Keyworker
- Faye Mathieson: Skills Development Scotland Careers Adviser faye.mathieson@sds.co.uk For more information, click here: careers
Faye offers a range of support to students to help develop their Career Management Skills and plans for the future; when she is in school she is based in the Library on the first floor.
If you are keen to speak to her, then come along to her drop in clinic in the Library Wednesday lunch time or email her at . This is open to all year groups.
S2, S3, S4, S5 & S6 students will take part in group sessions and there is also the opportunity to arrange 1:1 appointments for students who require this support. Faye will also be in attendance at school parents' evenings/events and is happy to meet with anyone keen to see her.
My World of Work (opens new window) offers a range of support and resources for students and their parents and is a great starting point for researching your career ideas.
Please click on the link for the SDS and Edinburgh Napier University Presentation from the S4-S6 Information Evening on 26 September. SDS and Edinburgh Napier Presentation - S4-6 Information Evening (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
Please click on the link for the West Lothian College Presentation from the S4-S6 Information Evening on 26 September. West Lothian College Presentation - S4-6 Information Evening Presentation (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)