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Primary/Secondary Transition

The transition from primary school to secondary school is a significant time for children, staff and parents.

It is a milestone within the Broad General Education. The vast majority of children look forward to moving on, in learning and life, and these moves generally turn out to be positive experiences.   

Armadale Academy works closely with our associated to plan, implement and evaluate our transition process.   Key features include a series of events for P7 students and their parents spread throughout the session.  These include:

  • P7 visits to the Academy
  • P7 Parents' Information Evenings
  • P7 Youth Club
  • S6 students visit to Primary Schools.
  • Weekly delivery of French to P7s by Academy staff
  • Five day transition experience in June

Our transition programme is managed by Mrs Caroll Gordon, PTC  Positive Transitions. Mrs Gordon works closely with the Head Teachers and school staff to help ensure the move to Armadale academy is as smooth as possible. 

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