Advanced Higher
The Advanced Higher English Course offers progression from the Higher English Course. The Course acknowledges the increasing maturity of candidates and enables a high degree of specialisation.
Course Assessment
Portfolio: (30% of final grade)
This portfolio will give candidates an opportunity to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding: writing in different genres for a range of purposes and audiences.
Candidates will produce two pieces of writing for two different purposes
and audiences. The writing can be from any of the following types:
- persuasive
- informative
- argumentative
- personal/reflective
- poetry
- prose fiction
- drama
There is no requirement to write both creatively and discursively. Up to 15 marks will be awarded for each piece of writing selected for the portfolio.
Dissertation: (30% of final grade)
This dissertation will give candidates an opportunity to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding: independent planning, research and presentation of their knowledge and understanding of an aspect or aspects of literature.
The text(s) chosen must not be the same as those used in the Literary Study
question paper. This dissertation will be between 2,500 and 3,000 words long and will have 30 marks.
Please Note: All coursework must be completed to be sent to the SQA by the deadline given by the class teacher. A failure to do so would disqualify the student from sitting the exam and gaining a qualification in the subject at this level.
Exam: (40% of final grade)
Paper 1: Literary Study (20 marks)
The purpose of this question paper is to assess candidates' ability to apply the skills of critical analysis and evaluation to previously studied literary texts.
- Candidates will choose one question from a range of questions and write a critical essay in response to it.
- Candidates will select from poetry, prose, prose non fiction or drama. The texts chosen must not be the same as those used in the dissertation.
Paper 2: Textual Analysis (20 marks)
The purpose of this question paper is to assess candidates' ability to apply the skills of critical analysis and evaluation to an unseen literary text.
- Candidates will choose one question on an unseen literary text and write an extended critical analysis of it.
- Candidates will select from poetry, prose, prose non fiction or drama.
It is expected at Advanced Higher that students are willing and able to take a high degree of initiative and responsibility for their own work. Advanced Higher students are expected to commit to a reasonable level of study outside of English classes as outlined by their class teacher.
This is an important preparation for University Level study, where the responsibility for learning and further study is placed almost entirely on the shoulders of the student. This is especially true in an English Degree, where only a small amount of time is dedicated to lectures and tutorials. It is also a fair reflection of any real life workplace.