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Supporting Remote learning

At Armadale Academy, we fully understand the challenges brought about by the current lockdown and the difficulty some pupils may have in accessing online materials through TEAMS. In September, we conducted a survey with all pupils to identify those who did not have a suitable device at home to help them complete work and issued a number of school laptops and routers to support their learning. As such, we have already distributed over 70 laptops to pupils who were previously limited to working on their phones or on paper.

However, we understand that this is a fluid situation and that the current lockdown may lead to increased pressure on families who have more than one child at home requiring access and/or parents and carers who need the devices for their own work.

If you require a school laptop or do not have Wi-Fi at home then please email Emma Reid (Acting Depute) in the first instance:

You will then be contacted and we will arrange a time for your child to collect a laptop from the school office. Please note, your child needs to log in to the laptop from the school with their details before taking it home in order for it to work.

If your child is unable to come into school to pick this up then we will try to make alternative arrangements.

We also have a number of Wi-Fi routers available if you do not currently have internet access. If you would benefit from one of these then please email and we will arrange a time to collect.


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