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Applying to University

If you have (or will have by end of S5/6) the minimum entry requirements for a degree course, you may wish to consider applying to University. Going to university opens up a whole world of new challenges and experiences. Choosing a university is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. It is worth taking time to make sure you make the right choice. Many students drop out every year from university courses as a result of choosing the wrong course or the wrong university. Don't make that mistake! The key to choosing the right course and the right location for you is thorough research.

You should have a 'plan B' ready in case you apply for university and don't get in.

Please click the relevant buttons that link to sections designed to help you through the process.

Academic Reference

As part of your UCAS application, the school supplies an academic reference. This gives the universities and colleges more of an impression of who you are and what kind of student you are.

Art and Design Courses

University may not always be the first step.

UCAS Registration

The process of applying for university is done on line through a system called UCAS Apply


Exams not good? It's not the end.

October Applicants

Some courses need to be applied for earlier than others.

Personal Statement

One of the most challenging aspects of the application process


The Lothians Equal Access Programme for Schools


Important and non-negotiable dates in the process


Covering the costs of university


Applicants for some university courses may be required to attend an interview.


Once UCAS respond to you

University Links

Links to the main universities in Scotland

Open Days

Want to visit and see what's available?

Studying Abroad

What to do if you want to study overseas

Jargon Busting

What things mean (with links to pages)

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