Careers and Pathways
We are here to support our pupils in exploring the current and future opportunities available to them. Whether you want to continue onto further education, embark on an apprenticeship or engage in the world of work, we can provide the access to opportunities and experiences you need to make the leap from Linlithgow Academy into your future.
Armadale Academy encourages all pupils to plan for their future and explore all opportunities and career paths.
We aim to ensure that all our young people are prepared for the transition to a positive post-school destination. It is our aim that all young people, on their time of leaving school, should have at least one offer of a positive destination.
Please click the buttons below to access more information
Careers Advice
Skills Development Scotland - Scotland's free lifelong careers service
Apprenticeships and Job vacancies
As you think about leaving school you may be undecided between continuing your formal education and earning some money through employment.
College can provide you with a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills, meet new people and help you figure out what potential employment route you might like to take, all in a much less formal environment to what you have experienced in school or what might be experienced at University.
Work Experience
Trying to figure out what you'd like to do after leaving school can be a daunting task. There are lots of options; College, University, part time or full-time employment, apprenticeships or voluntary work to name a few.